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Khalid Paracha 

I am a visual artist, originally from Pakistan now living in Cavan, Ireland for the last 35 years. I was a medical doctor and has recently took my early retirement and now working as full time artist. I am lover of life and nature and believe in living each day to the full.

I love painting since my childhood as it has been in my genes. My grandfather, father and an uncle were professional artist. Although during my education and working as a doctor did not get enough free time to fulfill my artistic ambitions and desires, but whatever free time I had used it for my art.

Expressed myself in different medium like Water colours, Oils, Pastels and Acrylics but my favorite is Water colour. As being lover of nature, do landscape paintings but lately I am doing urban and seaside scene as I grow up in a city where architecture of buildings is classical and sea shores were not far away from my home.

About Me

What inspire me

As I mentioned that I am nature lover and anything which joins me with nature, I try to portray or express that on paper or canvas so that all of you could enjoy the beauty of nature.

Early morning or evening scenes of busy hours in cities / towns and at seashores / harbours are thrilling and exciting with the way sun light falls on buildings, people, vehicles, boats, ships, piers and so on…..not only mesmerize but inspire to capture that moment of beauty which my eyes observe.

Art Work
Sketch Book

How creativity process is accomplished

Location and light are vital component to start a painting. Shapes, edges (soft/hard), tonal values, focal point and perspective are other components which make a good painting.

To fulfill all this, I usually take photoghraps from different angles and watercolour or pencil sketch of the scene. Love to do plein air (onsite) painting session whenever it is possible on my own and with my friends on a painting trip.


Some of my work which was done on location get more appreciation as it has spontaneity and freedom of watercolour more as compared to work done in controlled environment of a studio.


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